


Welcoming new major appliances into your home is always a joy. But remember, today’s appliances may require upgraded wiring and circuits to keep your home safe and running efficiently.

Britt Rice Electric can evaluate your needs and recommend a plan so your new appliances not only have a new home, but a brand new power supply to keep them running efficiently and without damage. For some appliances it may only take a simple switch out of a 3-prong plug with a 4-prong. For others, it may take a new dedicated circuit to carry the load. A simple refrigerator from 20 years ago is vastly different from a built-in 48 or 60” side-by-side home/industrial setup with two compressors. It is always wise to check with the manufacturer for specific power needs so we can wire the plug in for your new appliance in advance of receiving it in your home. That way there will be no delay in enjoying your new purchase.

Schedule an appointment today and we’ll get you properly set up and safely ready to plug in your new appliances.